Obanazawa Beef has a long history. Study on cattle farming was started in the Meiji Period.
In the late 50's, almost all farmers raised cattle used for heavy work.
Nobesawa District in Obanazawa City was full of activity as a producer of high-quality calves called "Nobesawa Beef."
In the late 70's, the number of cattle raised significantly increased due to the infrastructure development of fattening cattle complexes, etc.
Today, more than 20 small and large cattle farmers raise about 8,000 head of Japanese black cattle.
They have a strong passion for raising Japanese cattle.
Obanazawa Beef has been highly evaluated for its quality and quantity both inside and outside the Prefecture, and is establishing a brand.

The abundance of water from the Ou mountain range.
Wide differences between daytime and night-time temperatures in summer.
Fattening cattle, which survived the harsh winter twice in one of the three famous places for snow in Japan where it is covered with a depth of more than two meters snow, has fine marbling like an artwork through strict and uncompromising control taken over from ancestors.

- Obanazawa Beef shall be raised by a person living in Obanazawa City and certified by Obanazawa-Grown Beef Promotion Association, and raised for the longest period in a cattle shed whose feeding period is registered.
- The category of cattle shall be heifer or steer of Japanese black species.
- The dressed carcass shall have an appearance in Grade 3 or above set by Japan Meat Grading Association and have high-quality meat and fat.
- No radioactive material shall be detected in surveys conducted by Yamagata Prefecture and local governmental agencies.

Japanese beef raised in Obanazawa will naturally put on high-quality fat
in order to protect themselves from the harsh winter.
They have fine marbling and excellent melt-in-the-mouth characteristic like powder snow.
Obanazawa City and the producers in the City are working on the raising of heifers having soft meat with a rich flavor.
Having well-balanced fat, Yukifuri Wagyu Obanazawa has gained a high reputation from many cooks.
Among Yamagata-grown Japanese black beef, only that having the highest quality is qualified to be called "Yukifuri Wagyu Obanazawa."
- 1. The highest-quality fat thanks to a harsh environment
- Obanazawa has a harsh climate. The temperature in summer is around 40ºC and that in winter is minus 10ºC or below. In order to survive the harsh environment having a wide temperature difference, cattle will naturally put on the highest-quality fat having a concentrated flavor and excellent melt-in-the-mouth characteristic.

- 2. The softness characteristic of heifers
- Large cattle sheds cannot be built in Obanazawa, as it snows a lot in winter. So we have not raised oxen that grow large but have mainly raised cows having soft meat. Among cows, only "heifers" having a particularly high reputation are selected as Yukifuri Wagyu Obanazawa.

- 3. Slowly pursue the flavor
- Oleic acid is the key for the flavor of meat. The ratio of oleic acid in beef increases after the age of 30 months. However, long-term fattening requires a high feed cost and involves diseases and other large risks. Under the strict definition "The age of 32 months (970 days) or over" put on Yukifuri Wagyu Obanazawa, we have a commitment to achieving flavor higher than the grade (appearance) while taking risks. Yukifuri Wagyu Obanazawa, individually raised in a relaxed environment by cattle farmers in Obanazawa with love and affection, create fat that is not greasy but has a flavor and excellent melt-in-the-mouth characteristic.

- Yukifuri Wagyu Obanazawa shall be raised by a person living in Obanazawa City and certified by Obanazawa-Grown Beef Promotion Association, and raised for the longest period in a cattle shed whose feeding period is registered.
- The category of cattle shall be heifer of Japanese black species aged 32 months (970 days) or over.
- The dressed carcass shall have an appearance of Grade 3 or above set by Japan Meat Grading Association and have high-quality meat and fat.
- No radioactive material shall be detected in surveys conducted by Yamagata Prefecture and local governmental agencies.